The display of the price filter is configured in the attribute settings. Navigate to the required attribute, then open the Improved Layered Navigation tab, and set the suitable display mode:
There are several options for filter positioning: top position; sidebar; both (top and sidebar). The positioning could be configured differently for each attribute. If you need to relocate the filter in the navigation block then please refer to the ...
The display of the filters depends on the Magento setting: The option Filterable (no results) stays visible even in case there are no products matching this filter option.
Cookie Consent solution is included in our GDPR extension as an optional package. You will need to run the following additional commands to install the Cookie Consent on your website: For manual installations: bin/magento module:enable ...
Please make sure to set the display of subcategories content in the main category settings:  And enable the subcategories by setting the desired Subcategories Position:  After these steps, you’ll be able to assign various content for the ...