Product Feed for Maurizio Collection

Product Feed for Maurizio Collection


Extension name

Case description
We configured the M2 catalog price rule to have discounts for products on our website. When we initially exported the products using the Product Feed plugin, it gave us values in "sale price" even if the item is not on sale. 

We set up the two attributes like this:

Having the sale_price set with "price|final_price" was what gave the issue - the final price is always displayed for all products even for those that are not on sale. But we didn't want to use the Special Price instead of Catalog Price Rules, so we asked the Amasty team for advice. 

Amasty support center kindly made a custom patch to output the final_price only if its value is lower than the price of the product. 

Benefits the extension provides for clients and admins
The patch gave us the possibility to use only one feed to all our selling partners without having the website look weird for our customers.

Examples of the results
A new feature on Product Feed --> attribute g:sale_price has value only if "final_price" is lower than "price". This feature solved a doubled price issue on our search engine. Before this patch, we saw price and sale price even if the products has no Magento catalog rule applied.
Here is an example of how the website looked without the patch: 

And with the patch:

General feedback
Great and fast support from Amasty! The patch didn't work the first time but they immediately found the issue and solved it very quickly.

This Product Feed case is written based on the information provided by our client from the Maurizio Collection clothes store.